onsdag 2. november 2011
Sports in NZ
søndag 23. oktober 2011
10 year old boy performs CPR on father

A famous living person
Famous places
- Joakim (Tvetto)
torsdag 20. oktober 2011
Climate and geography
In addition to this NZ has a tremendously dramatic and varied landscape. The South Island is the most mountainous of the two, and the southern alps divides it by it's length. Mount Cook is the highest peak, with it's 3754 meters, and all in all the alps contain over eighteen peaks of more then 3000 meters. This has made New Zealand a popular location for shooting films and TV-series, including The Lord of The Rings triology.
Music in New Zealand

onsdag 19. oktober 2011
Wellington, NZ
Yesterday we visited the amazing capital of New Zealand, Wellington.
The weather was supreme and the city was nonetheless! Wellington is now one of my top favorite capitals of the world, they have these small cute boutiques you don’t find anywhere else on the globe and the people are so kind and helping you feel appreciated for just being in their hometown.
My favorite task of the day was the amazing Wellington Cable Car. This is one of Wellington's most popular tourist attractions. The cars run from Lambton Quay in the commercial heart of the city and continue up to the lookout, where you can see the whole city so beautifully! Especially on such a lovely day as it was.
The Wellington Cable Car was also the only real “tourist program” we visited. On the rest of the day we walked around in the city breathing in the humid air and capturing every moment in pictures. We ate on this amazing restaurant called Logan Brown and lied on Cuba street. They specialized on only using the finest ingredients made on the island and they had the most DELIGHTFUL lamb chops, they were divine! Oh I’m get watery in my mouth just thinking about them! TAKE ME BACK!
I didn’t buy a lot of souvenirs, just some clothing from a vintage shop, this was basically because I know that I can still feel the amazing atmosphere in Wellington and the experience will always be remembered with the all the memories in my memory – and in my camera of course!
See you soon!
- Andrea